Effective Water Management In Tourism Facilities - II
Hotels, motels, recreation facilities, guesthouses, spa centers, restaurants, culture-congress centers can be evaluated in the tourism and accommodation facility group.
The amount of water consumption per person is increasing in hotels.
Every living creature in the ecosystem is in need of water for its daily activities. The amount of water consumed varies according to the person's structure, habits, summer and winter conditions.
Research conducted in hotels showed water consumption per day is approximately 400 to 750 liters. While people consume about 150 liters of water in their daily lives, this consumption can be 3-5 times more in hotels and tourism facilities. People do not show the sensitivity for water and energy consumption in hotels, tourism buildings and public places as they do at home.
Therefore, water management should be considered as one of the priority issues in tourism structures.
Hotel and tourism facilities investors should be careful in water management during the investment, planning and project phases. This will provide a lot for nature and country throughout the life of the facility.
Products used in tourism facilities also complement the architectural identity of the place. At this point, it is important to solve the fine details together with the architectural and interior architectural groups.
Apart from aesthetic concerns in product selection, one of the most important issues to consider is durability and maintenance costs.
In hotel and tourism buildings, water and energy consumption is higher than in other buildings, and hotel investors demand products that are more efficient and durable for long periods of time. Tourism and accommodation facilities include wet cores, wet areas, spa centers, kitchens and equipments. Sometimes it is exposed to vandalism. The product should be suitable for easy cleaning and the product’s chrome or gold coatings should show resistance to chemicals.